Custom Earmolds

Are Your Earbuds Falling Out?

April 7, 2023

Apple AirPods are one of the most popular wireless earbuds on the market today, but for some people, they may not be a perfect fit. Spending money on AirPods is useless if your earbuds are falling out. Everyone’s ears are unique, and while AirPods come with three different sizes of ear tips, they may not provide the best fit for everyone. This is where custom earbuds for Apple AirPods come in.

What are Custom Earbuds?

Custom earbuds are earbuds that are specifically designed to fit the shape of your ear. They are typically made by taking a mold of your ear and then creating a custom fit earbud that will fit perfectly in your ear canal. Custom earbuds are ideal for people who have difficulty finding earbuds that fit comfortably or securely in their ears. If you are afraid to lose your Airpods because the earbuds are falling out, custom earbuds are for you.

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Custom AIrpod Sleeves

Benefits of Custom Earbuds for Apple AirPods

The biggest benefit of custom earbuds for Apple AirPods is the comfort and security they provide. Since they are designed specifically to fit your ear, they will stay in place better and be more comfortable to wear for extended periods. Custom earbuds can also improve the sound quality of your AirPods, as they will create a tighter seal in your ear canal, blocking out external noise and improving bass response.

Custom earbuds can also be a great option for people who use their AirPods for activities like exercise or running. Since they fit more securely in your ear, you won’t have to worry about them falling out or shifting around while you’re moving.

Drawbacks of Custom Earbuds for Apple AirPods

The biggest drawback of custom earbuds for Apple AirPods is the cost. They can be expensive, and the process of making the mold can be time-consuming. Additionally, if your ears change shape over time (as they can with weight gain/loss or aging), the earbuds may no longer fit as well and may need to be remade.


Custom earbuds for Apple AirPods can be a great option for people who struggle to find earbuds that fit comfortably or securely in their ears. While they can be expensive and time-consuming to make, they can provide improved comfort and sound quality. If you’re interested in custom earbuds for your Apple AirPods, call your local audiologist.