Living with hearing loss and/or tinnitus can be challenging, but there are several smartphone apps available that can help. Here are some of my personal favorite free apps for hearing loss and tinnitus:
Tunity (Android and iOS)

Tunity is an app that allows you to hear any muted TV. By taking a picture of the live TV broadcast, the audio will stream to your phone. If your phone is paired to your hearing aids, you will hear the TV directly in your hearing aids. I have used this app to watch a sporting event in a busy restaurant and really enjoyed it.
Widex Zen Tinnitus Management (Android and iOS)

The Widex Zen app was developed by Widex, a leader in tinnitus research. The tinnitus app has fractal tones that are pleasing for sound therapy and masking strategies. It is a good tinnitus app, which is backed by solid research.
Starkey Relax (Android and iOS)

Starkey is a global hearing aid manufacturer backed by a lot of research in tinnitus and hearing loss. The Starkey Relax app allows you to customize sounds for masking or sound therapy based on volume, pitch, and modulation rate.
RogerVoice (Android and iOS)

The Roger Voice provides free real-time captions on your cell phone. The app is easy to use and convenient, but not always accurate. I like the app for ease of use and the free price tag. You just may find this app is helpful in combination with speakerphone.
SoundPrint (Android and iOS)

The SoundPrint app rates local shops (think restaurants and coffee shops) by sound level. You can see the current ratings from other customers and rate the location yourself. SoundPrint will help you determine which places are noisy and which are quiet. You may find a new spot or learn which restaurants to avoid.
In conclusion, smartphone apps can be a useful tool for managing hearing loss and tinnitus. From sound therapy, audio streaming, live captioning, and tinnitus masking techniques, there are many options available to help improve your listening experience and reduce the impact of hearing loss and tinnitus on your daily life. It’s always a good idea to consult with a hearing healthcare professional to determine which apps may be appropriate for your individual needs