Cartoon of an ear working out.

Hearing Loss Decreases Physical Activity

February 28, 2023
Are Your Ears Making You Tired?
Hearing loss is associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

If you blame your fatigue on your ears, you may not be alone. A recent study at Johns Hopkins analyzed the connection between hearing loss and physical activity in adults ages 60-69. Findings suggest that hearing loss may be a modifiable risk factor for decreased physical activity.

The study analyzed 291 adults aged 60 to 69 years old. The results suggest those with hearing loss spent significantly less time completing physical activity tasks than those with normal hearing. Physical activity was classified from light-intensity to moderate-to-vigorous. They also reported those with hearing loss had more time in sedentary behaviors and more fragmented activity when completing tasks.

Parents of children with hearing loss, report higher levels of fatigue. This may be true for adults too. Those with hearing loss use a significant amount of “effortful listening”. Studies have suggested that those with even mild hearing loss use other portions of their brain to help them hear. This extra listening effort takes the space of other tasks such as short term memory and leads to fatigue.

According to the CDC, physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health as you age. The question is; if we can treat hearing loss, can we improve activity, and therefore improve healthy aging?

You can find a more detailed report from the National Institute on Aging.