Sound booth

Baseline Hearing Test

February 20, 2023

Hearing loss is an important part of your general health yet only 16% of primary care physicians screen for hearing loss. The good news is, you do not need a primary care physician (PCP) to recommend a test. If you are concerned about your hearing or have risk factors for hearing loss contract your local audiologist to have a baseline test. In the past Medicare patients needed a referral from their PCP, but this is no longer true.

When To Start Baseline Hearing Test?

The American Academy of Audiology recommends a hearing test by the age of 18 years old. A baseline hearing test is a good reference point for future hearing evaluations. Baseline hearing tests make it easier to identify changes in hearing that may occur over time. Schedule your baseline hearing test here.

How Often Should I Have My Hearing Tested?

If you are over the age of 50 or have a history of hearing loss, it is recommended that you get an annual hearing test. Additionally, if you are exposed to loud noises you should have frequent tests. Hearing tests are covered by most insurances.

Annual hearing checks can help detect hearing loss early on and facilitate early intervention. This is particularly important because untreated hearing loss can lead to negative consequences, including social isolation, depression, and an increased risk of falls.

Hearing tests can be helpful in identifying other underlying medical conditions such as, heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Early testing can detect any changes in your hearing health early on and take steps to prevent further damage. Call Denison Hearing to schedule your test today. 

Sound booth
Soundproof booth for hearing tests at Denison Hearing in Arvada, CO